Originally based on the area around Stamford and Peterborough, FringeMog adopted its nickname because it was surrounded by other, more established Centres. In 2016 FringeMog’s area was formally redesignated as the Cambridgeshire Centre, and about half of our members currently reside in that county.
We are an informal and friendly group and hold events throughout the year, centred on our regular lunchtime noggins, usually on the second Sunday of every month now at The Old Ferry Boat, Holywell, St Ives, Cambs PE27 4TG. Other events include visits to places of interest including stately homes, and informal scenic drives, both in Cambridgeshire and further afield – always accompanied by a convivial meal along and plenty of talk on the ownership of our beloved Mogs!
We would love you to get in touch or come along to one of our noggins (but please contact us in advance). FringeMog has no subscription fee. For more information, please contact the Centre Secretary at fringemog.sec@morgansportscarclub.com or by using the "Contact this Centre" button above.
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