
Shelsley Walsh Classic Nostalgia 2025

19th-20th July  MAC Shelsley Classic Nostalgia, Shelsley Walsh, Nr. Martley, Worcestershire WR6 6RP

Tickets are on sale but due to the increasing popularity of the event, the early bird offer is only available until 30th April.

Tickets are now on sale! https://www.classicnostalgia.co.uk/ The Early bird is the same price as 2024 at £15 per person per day until the 30th April 2025 when it increases to £20.00pppd. MAC members free.

How to get your tickets. If you would like to park your Morgan in the Morgans only car park, it is essential that you book through the ‘club site’ heading whether you are an MAC member or MSCC. On the first page click on ‘Buy tickets’ in yellow. Then down to car clubs(where you will see a picture of our line-up of Morgans from 2024) ‘buy tickets’ in yellow. Next page where you can see Jaguars and again ‘buy tickets’ in yellow and scroll down the page to ‘Early Bird Saturday’ and/or ‘Early Bird Sunday’. Add the number of tickets in the ‘Quantity’ box. Then click on ‘Checkout’ in yellow at the bottom of that page. Then on the next page you will enter your details and in the box ‘please select club below’ click on ‘choose your club’ and then you will find ‘Morgan Sports Car club’. You must click on that and then it will return so that you can complete your car details and then purchase the tickets. This last box ‘choose your club’ Is very important. The whole event is becoming very popular and spaces for each car club are automatically calculated to give us the correct amount of parking places, whilst they are available. The Early Bird prices are only available until the 30th of April, when they will increase in price. Get planning!

Any questions contact Martin Wyatt at midland.sec@morgansportscarclub.com.
