
Shelsey Walsh Classic Nostalgia 2024

20-21st July  MAC Shelsley Classic Nostalgia, Shelsley Walsh, Nr. Martley, Worcestershire WR6 6RP

Tickets are on sale but due to the increasing popularity of the event, the early bird offer is only available until 30th April.

For full details visit https://www.classicnostalgia.co.uk/.

To buy tickets,  Click on ‘Buy Tickets’, then scroll down to car clubs, click on 'Buy Tickets', which takes you to a new page, then ‘Buy Tickets’ again and you will see a number of options. If you are a member of the MAC tickets are free, but if not, MSCC members have the reduced price of £15 per person per day. Click on the number of tickets and the days that you would like, complete your details and halfway down this page you will see ‘Select your Car Club’ and in the drop-down box, scroll past all the clubs beginning with 'M' to the exclusive, to ‘The Morgan Sports Car Club’!

As in previous years, it is important that you do confirm your link to Morgans so that your parking space in the Morgan-only area can be automatically computed. If you don’t do this you will end up in the general car park and not where the action is!

Any questions contact Martin Wyatt at midland.sec@morgansportscarclub.com.
